by Acupuncture Halls Admin | Sep 18, 2019
Acupuncture is pretty popular usually with patients who live with pain. But what is acupuncture and how does it works? What are the possible benefits of it and does it hurt? Dr. Martha Hall will answer all these questions in this video.
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by Acupuncture Halls Admin | Sep 8, 2019
In this video, Dr. Martha Hall which is a Board Certified Acupuncturist will explain and elaborate what is cupping, the different forms and its benefits. According to Dr. Martha Hall, there are different forms of cupping.
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by Acupuncture Halls Admin | Aug 25, 2019
Dr. Martha Hall is a Board Certified Acupuncturist and Licensed Herbalist with a Master’s of Science and Traditional Chinese Medicine. In this video, she discussed the process of muscle testing, also known as applied kinesiology (AK) or manual muscle testing (MMT).
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by Acupuncture Halls Admin | Aug 11, 2019
Human beings are part of nature and because of this, it is easy to digest the fact that we are also meant to eat from nature. Consuming food in whole form gives you all the antioxidants, phyto nutrients, enzymes, minerals and vitamins it contains. Your body works in... read more
by Acupuncture Halls Admin | Aug 4, 2019
Have you ever thought of stem cells as a treatment to a malady or disease you are experiencing at the moment? Believe it or not, there have been great advances in using stem cells for regenerating healthy cells in the body. Finding an expert to consult about whether... read more
by Acupuncture Halls Admin | Jul 30, 2019
A kind of alternate medicine, functional medicine includes many unproven and proven treatment techniques. Believers say that this type of method focuses on the primary cause of disease based on the interplay between the immune system, endocrine system and... read more
by Dr. Martha Hall, DAOM, ACN | Mar 11, 2018
MSG (monosodium glutamate) is a dangerous brain toxic compound that is added to many of our daily foods. it is added to enhance the flavors of the foods we eat and in a sense makes us addicted to the taste so we keep wanting more. It is considered an “excitotoxin.”... read more
by Dr. Martha Hall, DAOM, ACN | Mar 4, 2018
Are you looking for acupuncture clinic in San Juan Capistrano? Well, it is not that difficult to find such a clinic but then you must understand exactly what your needs are. Today you can find various treatments such as acupuncture, Chinese herbs; acupressure, etc. No... read more
by Dr. Martha Hall, DAOM, ACN | Dec 23, 2017
There are lot of people who find losing weight a very difficult task. There are also those who have tried numerous weight loss programs such as diets and fitness programs but in vain. Most of them usually don’t work and those that do involve a lot of risks. Some are... read more