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Health and Wellness Blog

Acupuncture Healing Center

Have you ever wondered where the practice of inserting needles into the body came from? It is an old therapeutic practice which is referred to as acupuncture and it originated in China. Western medicines only act by suppressing the signs of the disease while Chinese... read more

Benefits Of Using Chinese Herbs

Over the years, the popularity of Chinese herbs has continued to grow immensely. They are used mostly as preventive medicines for common ailments. Its popularity can be attributed to the fact that many patients regret the decision of going for western medicine. They... read more

Proteolytic Enzymes Part II

Enzyme Therapy In Malignancies As you may remember our previous discussion of proteolytic enzyme therapy revealed potentially favorable results in treatment of joint dysfunction and abnormalities such as arthritis and side effects associated with pharmaceuticals. In... read more

Proteolytic Enzymes

PROTEOLYTIC ENZYMES Oh boy you say, what in the world are proteolytic enzymes … something equally as fun as conjugating verbs or calculus? Well, maybe not as much fun but much more important. The word “Proteolytic” simply refers to protein … Proteolysis is the... read more

Vitamins and Supplements

Herbal medicinal teas are popularly used these days to cure various medical conditions. There are many people who wish to make use of medicinal teas. Unfortunately many cannot tell which tea suits what purpose. If you are one of those facing the same problem then read... read more

Are we feeding our cancer cells?

In case you didn’t know it we all have cancer cells lurking inside us trying to survive. These cells do not show up on just standard tests until they have multiplied in the billions. So when you have tests done and the doctor says there is no cancer, it only means... read more

Acupuncture for Sciatica

My previous articles have dealt with acupuncture as a modality for various modern day ailments which plague our lives. Here we will discuss one of the more annoying and painful condition called sciatica, caused by irritation of the sciatic nerve. And while surgery may... read more