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Moxibustion is a TCM technique in which mugwort (Artemisia Vulgaris), a small spongy herb, is burned in specific acupoints on the body to aid healing. Warming the meridians, improving blood circulation, dispelling cold and dampness, and strengthening the immune system are all benefits of Moxibustion “heat” therapy. According to scientific assessments, an increase in red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets around the treatment area improved oxygen intake by the body’s cells and drove the intended systemic processes. It is a traditional Chinese medicine treatment that is applied externally.
The therapeutic effects of moxibustion are associated with treating chronic symptoms related to “deficiencies” and the prevention of human illnesses, according to ancient Chinese literature. Moxibustion has been shown to be useful in the treatment of cervical vertigo, dysmenorrhea, chemotherapy-induced leucopenia, and a variety of emergency conditions in previous research. Moxibustion has been studied extensively in experimental tumor models, both with and without smoke, in various techniques, and in combination with radiotherapy or taxol treatment.
The herb is frequently crushed, wrapped in special paper, and held above the point to be warmed or placed on the skin and removed before overheating begins in current practice. The Japanese invented miniature tubes with handles in which the powdered plant is burned away while the therapist controls the heating. A moxa stick burns for four or five minutes, relieving pain and congestion while also acting as an anesthetic.
Moxibustion is typically safe, but it can result in burns, allergic reactions, or infections if not performed by a licensed practitioner. People with certain underlying medical conditions, such as active skin infections, lymphedema, and low white blood cell or platelet counts, may not be advised to use it. During and after a moxibustion session, many patients experience a warm, calming sensation.
What is Moxibustion?
The term moxibustion comes from the name of the most commonly used wormwood plant, Artemisia moxa, or (Japanese) A. Mogusa.
Mugwort, often known as artemisia, is a daisy-like flowering plant. It’s found in a variety of dishes around the world, including German Christmas goose, Korean clam soup, and kusa mochi, a green Japanese dessert.
Moxibustion is a type of treatment that involves burning mugwort leaves. This is a tiny, spongy plant that is thought to help with acupuncture treatment. As a result, the leaves are burned near to the skin’s surface using a stick. It’s also necessary for moxibustion to work. Mugwort leaves are dried and powdered into little sticks or cones known as moxa (similar to incense), which are then lit and used to warm places on the body and treat a range of ailments.
Uses of Moxibustion
Moxibustion, according to alternative health practitioners, can assist enhance the flow of energy throughout the body by generating heat. This occurs via meridians, which are a type of pathway. The activation of energy, according to Chinese traditional medicine, is critical for your body’s health and fitness. It is based on the idea that energy blockages cause mental and physical illnesses.
Moxibustion is Used for:
- Discomfort from an injury or arthritis, particularly in “cold” patterns, when the pain is relieved by applying heat.
- Digestive problems and irregular elimination.
- Gynecological and obstetrical conditions, including breech presentation in late term pregnancy.
- Protection against cold and flu strains.
Benefits of Moxibustion
Several researches have been undertaken to determine the health benefits of moxibustion therapy. They also want to know if the process is safe and successful in addressing various health problems.
Moxibustion has been demonstrated to be an effective treatment for chronic renal disease in one research. It was discovered to have a significant effect in lowering serum creatinine, which is linked to impaired kidney function in high dosages.
Moxibustion can be used for a variety of purposes, and one of the most prevalent is to warm the body. Many patients with autoimmune disorders, low immunity, and blood problems are cold all of the time, and moxa’s warming characteristics make it a great choice for these circumstances (usually those who have a cold or stagnant condition). Moxibustion heats the meridians and expels cold, resulting in a smoother flow of blood.
Moxa is also beneficial for people who suffer from aches and pains. Because of its warming characteristics, moxa can enhance blood flow by warming the blood. Increased blood flow means more oxygen gets to the painful tissues, muscles, and tendons.
Increased immunity is another advantage of doing moxibustion. This treatment has been found in studies to greatly raise the body’s white blood cell count, which is a key component of the immune system. Moxa strengthens the immune system and aids in the rebalancing of autoimmune conditions.
It is also considered a safe alternative to help with breech presentation. This refers to a condition where the baby is positioned with its feet first in the birth channel. This position makes for a difficult delivery.
If you are interested in Moxibustion treatment and looking for a licensed practitioner, visit Acupuncture Halls in San Juan Capistrano near San Clemente and Dana Point cities. Call 949-510-6333 or contact the clinic here for an appointment.